SoftXpand is a software solution that turns any standard PC into up to eight Independent workstations.
SoftXpand is specially designed to meet high end computing needs for Schools, Businesses, and Government Agencies by offering low cost, high performance Multi-Workstation environments. Each workstation operates totally independently and offers maximum performance and high flexibility. That means each user may run several heavy applications simultaneously, including, for example, a heavy graphic application, Multimedia software, integrated learning systems and curriculum-oriented programs.
Reduce TCO and Operating Costs.
SoftXpand is a software-only application that takes advantage of both the multiuser, multitasking capabilities of the Windows operating system as well as both the CPU and graphics processing unit to Create what is, in essence, a very cost effective Minicomputer. This would most certainly reduce the cost of hardware, software, installation and a number of other IT costs.
With fewer computers, you can significantly reduce your initial purchase costs, minimize maintenance time and expenses, and cut down on the electricity needed to power and cool your machines. With SoftXpand, you can save up to 60% on purchase costs, 80% on maintenance, and 75% on total energy consumption. Your total savings: 70% less in your Total Cost of Ownership.
Finding a way to maximize computational power is a goal many companies have set to achieve. This objective has lead companies worldwide to embrace SoftXpand's software only virtualization solution that enables to do more with less. With smarter IT allocation, the delivery on instant response to your users' needs has never been easier!